TEACHERS“I just wanted to email and say a massive thank you on behalf of the students for delivering your talk. I have never seen the pupils so engaged. Having got feedback from a lot of them, they all thought the talk was brilliant. They were captivated by your story, enjoyed the visual images as well which helped them picture it and loved the opportunity to ask questions. After the event a lot of pupils said they were more aware of the risks of drug taking and it has changed quite a few opinions. You have helped me make a big impact and my Head teacher was thrilled with the success and so we will be looking to use you again in the future. All the staff who heard the talk said it was the best talk the school has offered. Thank you again for coming and sharing your story.” “Shaun is an extraordinary speaker. He gives students a powerful message, as hard-hitting as they can handle (he tailors his presentations according to age group/ability without losing impact) and the message lives a long time. Shaun’s was not only the best anti-drugs talk I’ve ever seen in a school, he is the best speaker I’ve ever heard in a school. Shaun provides a captivating, memorable stimulus for getting your students talking about drug-use and the inevitable consequences of drug-related crime. His story is at times heartbreaking, but he shares it professionally, knowing that this is what will deter students from making life-changing mistakes in their future.” “We have a regular speaker programme covering a plethora of different topics and personal experiences. Shaun has become our headline act. His story is not only fascinating, but hearing him talk openly, candidly and reflectively about how his choices affected his fascinating life and the life of others (and how he sought to change things afterwards) is something every young person should hear and will undoubtedly put most people’s struggles and bad decisions into serious perspective. What he’s done with his life since leaving prison is unbelievably inspiring and should instil passion and drive into the most lethargic sixth former. His delivery is some of the most perfectly pitched, exciting and engaging speaking you will get for your money. Book him now, and allow plenty of time for questions – there will be loads!” “Your talk was utterly astounding. After you left so many staff emailed me and stopped me to say how much your testament had moved and shocked them. I have never seen the students as quiet in all my days with them. They were stunned by your story and have been talking about it ever since. I know that this experience will stay with them for a long time.” “Life Lessons (LL) was the ideal presentation for our Year 11 students. We had had Shaun in for a drugs talk before (another school had highly recommended him to us) and our students were so impressed that they wanted him back! As our Year 11s were feeling the stress and tension that eats into so many young people of their age, we booked Shaun to come in again a couple of months later and deliver LL. STUDENTSDear Shaun, Hello Shaun, “The speech you delivered to Holy Trinity was extremely inspirational. You truly motivated the members of year 10 to stay on the right track in life. You taught us so many incredible life lessons that will stick with us throughout our lives. Although now we would think that we would never do such a thing but there are times when we get so caught up in life and end up taking the wrong decisions but from now on whenever we face such situations we will look back and learn from your story so thank you very much!” I want to say that your story was really interesting and shocking. I never knew anything like that could be able to happen, and how you managed to cope there, you’re an absolute legend for surviving. Your story really inspired all of us at that school and it was what everyone was talking about for the rest of the day, and I think it will be a story we will always be sharing. You came into my school today, and I just wanted to say that out of the whole of our day of videos and lectures yours made the most impact. I still can’t believe what happened to you. It’s so incredible and terrible it sounds like a horror story. Thank you so much for talking to our group. Your story really made a difference to my life. I firstly want to say thank you for today’s talk. Coming in and telling your life story about your experiences touched me and made me think in many ways. It made me realise that life is more important than any other thing in the world no matter what comes in the way. After listening to your talk today, I walked out of the door and was hit with many thoughts rushing through my mind. I had images in my head of what it was like and I asked myself if I ever got into that situation would I be able to cope. Again I would like to say thank you, as you have made me aware of what drugs can do and the consequences they can have. I will pass on the message and make others be aware and think what could happen if they continue to do drugs. You came to an extended assembly at my school. I’m emailing you to tell you how thought-provoking and interesting I found your story. I have been interested in prisons and the justice system for a while now. Your story meant such a lot to me because I hope to work with the justice system after university, and I am now determined to fix these corrupt departments and people, as well as improving the conditions in prisons in America and the UK. Usually, assemblies consist of a teacher talking for less than ten minutes whilst none of the students pay them any attention – we usually talk amongst ourselves or fall asleep. However, when you came in to tell your story everyone was captivated and sat on the edge of their seats to hear what would happen next. You came to my school the other day and I thought I’d just give you an email to say you were really brave to stick through what you’ve been through. You’re a real inspiration to all young people. Feedback from six students at